Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Inquiry Plan Status Update 1

Hey Guys! I began my inquiry plan today with both my AM and PM students. I was a little nervous that this might be a little difficult for them. But, for day 1, it went GREAT! I was so impressed to see how eager they were to start something new. I think we were at the point in the year where behavior started going out the window, therefore, limiting instruction. They were so motivated during the day today to get work done, and make better behavior choices that you could hear a pin drop during independent and centers time. I was so happy to see that they were actively making better choices just to earn the Extremely Happy Garfield!

I went ahead and video taped my introduction of the Reflection Log and how it works. I also video taped a portion where the students were personally filling out the logs. Two students did not earn the highest level, and actually KNEW what they did wrong. They were able to write on their own why they didnt earn it. I was so happy that they were able to do this on their own. I think this is going to be a great way to monitor their own behavior. I can't wait to see how well this goes over the next couple of weeks!


  1. Wow- what a really wonderful start to the inquiry. I am glad to hear that the kids were motivated by the happy Garfeilds. Of course there is always a newness factor to consider but at least you are off to a good start and I am happy that the kids exceeded your expectations- I find that students often do if you set them high enough. Good luck - I am eager to hear how this goes after a few days.

  2. That's terrific! Even when we set high expectations I find that many kids often exceed them. Looking forward to seeing future posts!

  3. The teachers of these students for next year will be so grateful to you for teaching them how to monitor their own behavior. I agree that this is a great time for the implementation as many students grow "seat-weary" in April. Good luck!

  4. I completely agree with you that there are definitely more behavior problems right now and I think it is fantastic that your students were so excited to begin your inquiry! Your inquiry seems that it is teaching your students a very important life skill. Looking forward to hearing how the rest of you inquiry goes!

  5. I love the excitement children have when beginning a new unit or program. I'm glad that for your video, you are showing us how the reflection log works. On-going assessment and reflection is always important in supporting student and teacher learning. : )
