Thursday, January 28, 2010

Task One: Curriculum Design

After I finally gained control of my ADD and was able to read through all the material, I did have some thoughts on curriculum design. As an elementary teacher, it was interesting to read some of the high school articles and examples. It allowed me the opportunity to see a different perspective.

The first question we were asked to keep in mind was, why do we need to consider curriculum? I just thought about what my kindergarten classroom would be like if I didn't have some sort of a framework to go by when teaching in the classroom. What I think may be important to teach a child, the next teacher may not agree. Considering curiculum as a guide to our teaching decisions allows us to cover the necessary material just in the process that we want to cover it. What is nice, in Kindergarten, we take the combined curriculum approach. Our reading includes science, social studies, and math, and vice versa. The "Toward a Connected Curriculum" article really had me thinking about how curriculum is considered seperately at the high school level. This led me into thinking about what model of curriculum would currently fit my role. As a Kindergarten teacher, the open conversation model seems to be more logical for me, and enjoyable. However, I can see how this may be changed depending on the grade level or the students in your class. Having the opportunity to change (flexible curriculum) helps keep us on the right track, but allows us to help those students who have different needs. I feel as though there is often pressure from above to teach to the test based on the curriculum designed by who knows who somewhere in some office building. So having the opportunity to change when needed is the model that would be ideal. The modern approach is just that, using the framework (curriculum) as a guide for your teaching. Each style is different and each learner is different. Finding what works for each person is what makes curriculum more meaningful for each student. I believe the healthiest approach to curriculum is a combination of the older views - having a set framework - and the more modern open view. In the end, everyone has the same goal - to help students become life-long learners and accomplish all their hopes and dreams. Sometimes the lessons in life don't always come out of a textbook - or from a curriculum map for that matter.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Getting to Know Me

Hello! I am very new to the whole blogging thing, but willing to give it a try! This first post is a little about myself. My name is Amanda Emmons-Wolery. I am currently a Kindergarten teacher for Boone County Schools although I have also spent time teaching 3rd and 4th grade. I have been teaching for 4 years. I am married to my wonderful husband Matt. We do not have any children yet, however, we do have two doggies. Hogan is my crazy black lab/wiemeraner mix, and Casey is my beagle/english bull dog mix. I love them both! They make my life so much more fun. I enjoy singing, dancing and acting. I do many community shows in my spare time. I also direct the theatre department at nearby high school. My husband and I enjoy traveling and have been all over the world. We also enjoy football! We are huge University of Cincinnati fans! GO BEARCATS! I am looking forward to an exciting semester! I am a camera happy person, so I always have pictures to share... check them out below!